
The planets keep changing their positions which affect our horoscopes. It can have favourable or unfavourable effects for you depending on your horoscope. These gemstones are considered as a source of new hope and energy to solve the difficulties of life caused by the unfavourable conditions of planets in a horoscope. Each planet is represented by a gemstone that contains its energy. This energy can prove constructive as well as destructive for humans. That is why an astrologer’s advice is necessary to know the dos and don’ts of wearing gemstones.

In India, Astrology and gemstones both hold great importance. Be it a celebrity or a common man, Astrologers have great respect in our country. From birth to marriage, major life decisions like Namkaran Sanskar to matching horoscopes for marriage are taken following the planetary situation in an individual’s horoscope and suitable gemstones are suggested to ensure safety from the ill effects of planets.

List of planets with their native Gemstones:

Planet Gemstones
Sun Ruby
Moon Pearl
Mars Red Coral
Mercury Emerald
Jupitor Yellow Sapphire
Venus Diamond
Saturn Blue Sapphire
Rahu Hessonite/Gomed
Ketu Cat’s Eye

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It is believed that reciting mantras while wearing a gemstone can significantly enhance the energy of its ruling planet and can give great benefits to the wearer. Our expert astrologer Anand Sharma ji gives the most effective mantras related to each of these gemstones and also recommends the ritual to be performed before wearing the gemstone for 100% successful results.

Opal Stone

Opal is associated with Venus and helps the wearer in getting the benefits of Venus. Venus is related to luxury and relationship. Opal is related to Sahasrara Chakra, which connects one with universal awareness.

Panna Stone

Panna or Emerald is regarded as the ‘Stone of Prosperity’. It represents vitality and growth. Wearing a good quality Panna gemstone helps to gain better income opportunities and growth in finance. Astrologers, thus, highly recommend wearing Panna for people working in banking, finance, share market trading or bookkeeping etc.

Ruby Stone

According to Vedic astrology, the ruby represents the Manipura or Navel Chakra in your body. It stimulates this chakra to remove self-doubt and depression from your mind. A person wearing this stone will experience a boost of self-confidence and passion toward life. For more such in-depth analysis, reach out to our expert astrologer in this field, Anand Sharma ji whose suggestions are sure to give you positive results.



You Can Consult world famous Astrologer Anand Sharma through any of the following ways:

Ruby Stone



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Panna Stone

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At present, one of the most eminent, reliable, and leading astrologers and love marriage specialists in India and countries worldwide, is well-learned, veteran, and eclectic astrologer Anand Sharma of India.

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