Astrology Solutions Coronavirus

Astrology Behind Coronavirus

Astrology behind coronavirus

With 26 countries reporting cases of Coronavirus, nearly 10,000 confirmed cases across the globe and 213 deaths attributed to 2019-nCoV, this virus is sure a pandemic of its own time. As astrologers, here we are the Astrology behind Coronavirus.

Our veteran Astrologers have come up with a complete analysis on how the current and impending astrological line up could shape public health, the economy and more.

Astrology Behind Coronavirus
Guide to Astrology And The Coronavirus
On January 12, a ‘Black Swan’ event took place triggered by Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn; it’s the sign that rules government and economy. This happened for the first time since 1518. Also, these two planets aligned in Capricorn in close contact from December 2019 through February 2020.

Our Astrologers and Vashikaran specialists in Delhi, Mumbai, Gurgaon, Noida, Bangalore, Pune & Jaipur always understood the nature of a Black Swan event – an event that comes completely out of the left field and has a major impact had long ago forecasted the happening of such an event.

Saturn and Pluto stir up economies and bring hidden threats to light. The global economy faced the dangers of economic deterioration. The ultimate Plutonian plot twist happened with the onset of the ‘Black Swan’ event after which US stocks took a steep plunge in the recent trading sessions; DOW JONES had its largest reversal in two years. Markets in Brazil, Europe and complete Asia are shaken due to the impact that the Coronavirus is having on the economy.

The moment Jupiter entered Capricorn, the first case was detected. As rightly predicted by our Astrologers and Vashikaran specialist in Patna, Rohtak, Kanpur, Ranchi, and Raipur the first case was detected on December 1, 2019, in Wuhan, China. Jupiter is the planet of international travel and exchange which entered into Capricorn due to which the things that were suppressed couldn’t be contained anymore including a virus.

Our Vashikaran specialist baba Astro Anand Sharma Ji predicts that Saturn is headed into Aquarius, an air sign on March 21. This indicates more challenges to come through anything that spread through the atmosphere. Aquarius is a sign that rules society and community, with Saturn entering into this sign this could bring a large cancellation of events, holidays and conferences.

Air travels restrictions will be strong until July.

Panic is certainly not a solution to the challenges lying ahead but caution is! Reach out to us to know all the impact that Coronavirus can bring to your life in the near future and be prepared for what’s coming next!

About the author

Astro Anand Sharma

At present, one of the most eminent, reliable, and leading astrologers and love marriage specialists in India and countries worldwide, is well-learned, veteran, and eclectic astrologer Pandit Anand Sharma of India, lavishly located and highly celebrated in magnificent Chandigarh.

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